Friday, December 31, 2010

Book Seventeen - Dune - Part One

I think I knew this was a science fiction book before I began reading it. The movie seems to have fleetingly entered my consciousness at some point. While I’m not opposed to science fiction, it isn’t my favorite genre. I was a bit concerned when I saw several appendices in the back of this book since appendices tend to herald an author who has created his own world and his own language. While becoming absorbed in a new world can be fascinating it can also be difficult to keep up with unless I am completely engrossed in the story, so I’m trying to find chunks of time to read it. The thing I’m missing is a map. I really like maps in a book like this as I enjoy charting the various locations. (Perhaps this relates to my nerdy side. Um, yeah, I’m fairly sure that’s what it is even though I am not, in general, a huge fan of cartography.) 

I am intrigued by Paul and enjoy getting mere suggestions as to his future and his purpose. Dune appears to be a classic struggle of good versus evil and those are always fun. Plus I know that there are more books in the series so I’m pretty sure old Paul survives. There are also excerpts of a future history book that appear throughout the text and these excerpts provide foreshadowing. It’s an interesting technique.

There are some great quotes in this book and I am a fan of the pithy saying. I love an old adage, though I suppose adages are old by definition so that may be redundant. In any case, there are some lovely sayings here. “Any road followed precisely to its end leads precisely nowhere.” (Not sure I agree with that one but it sounds important.)

“The proximity of a desirable thing tempts one to overindulgence.” (Hence the reason you don’t buy the large Hersey bar.)

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