So I'm listening to the audio book and wondering why I didn't trust my instincts when I put the book down the first time. I started at the beginning and am now on part 2 of 5, and the things that bothered me before bother me now. I don't like the narrator stepping out of 3rd person point of view to 1st person to provide information and opinions. I want to get lost in a book and it's difficult to do that with someone telling me stuff. It's jarring. And isn't it sort of cheating? Shouldn't we learn/decide the theme of the novel without being told directly in practically every chapter? Is it literary blasphemy to say these things of the great George Eliot?
Middlemarch includes a character like Mr Micawber in
David Copperfield and Richard Carstone in
Bleak House. He expects that something wonderful will simply fall out of the sky onto his feet. If only!
I will probably finish listening to the book because I'm both stubborn and parsimonious enough not to have spent $7.50 for nothing.
George Eliot |